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Cost of SAT Exam in Nepal

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Cost of SAT Exam in Nepal

We have data on the Cost of the SAT Exam in Nepal. The SAT is taken by students wanting to enroll in the United States bachelor’s degrees. Higher SAT score makes it easier to get admission to the top Universities in the United States of America (USA).

The student’s mathematical, critical reading and writing skills are tested in SAT.

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Cost of SAT Exam in Nepal

Following is the information on the Cost of SAT Exam in Nepal.

Dollar Value as of 9th December 2023.

SAT Exam Fee in Nepal

S.NDifferent HeadingsPrice in DollarsPrice in Rs.
1The application fee for the SAT Test$104 NRS. 13,887.12
2Late Registration Fee $30NRS. 4,005.9
3Changing the date | test center Fee.$35 NRS. 4,673.55
4Waitlist Fee $53 NRS. 7,077.09
5Register by Phone $15 NRS. 2,299.95
6SAT Exam with Essay$117NRS. 17,939.61

Hence, these are the SAT Exam fees in Nepal. The SAT exam alone costs $52 plus a non-US regional charge. For Nepalese Students, it costs an additional $49. So, the total SAT cost is $104

Read More: SAT Exam Dates in Nepal 2024: CLICK HERE

The facility for Late registration, Changing dates, and Registering by phone is available. But students need to pay an additional amount for it.

SAT Exam Centers in Nepal

S.NSAT Test Centre in Kathmandu, NepalCentre AddressCentre Code
1St.Xavier’s SCH Patan, Lalitpur, Nepal.74625
2Rato Bangla School Patan dhoka, Lalitpur, Nepal.74627
3ULLENS SCH Sheetal Marg, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal.74622
4Trinity Intel. College Dillibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal.74619
5Kathmandu Intel. Study Center Kathmandu, Nepal 74618

Hence, these are the SAT exam centers in Nepal.

Note: There are limited seats due to which students are requested to book their seats as early as possible.

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